At Forster Public School, there are ten Levels of student behaviour. All students are placed on Level 5 at the beginning of their enrolment. Each Level is defined in terms of the actions which have led to a student's placement at that Level. Each Level clearly shows consequences which will be followed through as a result of a student being placed on that Level.
It is important that students, teachers and parents know and understand each Level and its subsequent consequences.
It is also important that all persons involved in applying the student Management procedures follow the steps outlined in this policy.
The Stage Discipline Committee for Levels Seven will consist of:
- Class Teacher; and
- Stage Supervisor.
The School Discipline Committee for Levels Eight, Nine, Ten, and Return from Suspension will consist of:
- Principal;
- Deputy Principals;
- Class Teacher; and
- Stage Supervisor.
The quorum for this committee to meet will be at the discretion of the Deputy Principal.
The Principal's Awards: Time Line will vary with each individual
Cycle 1
20 stamps (1st card) = Bronze Award
40 stamps (2nd card) = Silver Award
60 stamps (3rd card) = Gold Award
Refer to Page 5 for clarification of further gold awards
In any given week children displaying satisfactory citizenship will receive one award; Exemplary citizenship will receive 2 awards.
Level 1
You are on this Level because:
- you demonstrate excellent behaviour at all times in the classroom and playground;
- your courtesy has been noticed by your class teacher and other teachers;
- you provide an exemplary role model for others;
- you are an admirable ambassador for our school;
- you have received a total of 120 school awards (2 Award cycles) ; and
- you have earned a Special Citizenship Certificate for achieving your 2nd Gold Award..
Now that you are on this Level:
- your name will be published in the school newsletter;
- your parents will receive a letter about your achievements;
- you and your parents will be invited to a special K-6 presentation assembly at which you will receive your 2nd Gold Special Certificate;
- the Principal will take you and the other Level 1 students for an excursion at the end of the year; and
- you are eligible to strive for the Forster Public School Gold Medallion.
Level 2
You are on this Level because:
- you continue to show consistent good behaviour;
- your courtesy has been noticed by your class teacher and other teachers;
- you provide an exemplary role model for others;
- you are an admirable ambassador for our school;
- you have received a total of 60 school awards; and
- you have earned your Gold Principal's Award.
Now that you are on this Level:
- you will receive your Gold Principal's Award AT morning Assembly, and
- your name will be published in the school newsletter.
Level 3
You are on this Level because:
- you continue to show consistent good behaviour;
- your courtesy has been noticed by your class teacher and other teachers;
- you provide an exemplary role model for others;
- you are an admirable ambassador for our school;
- you have received a total of 40 school awards; and
- you have earned your Silver Principal's Award.
Now that you are on this Level:
- you will receive your Silver Principal's Award, and
- your name will be published in the school newsletter.
Level 4
You are on this Level because:
- you continue to show consistent good behaviour;
- your courtesy has been noticed by your class teacher and other teachers;
- you provide an exemplary role model for others;
- you are an admirable ambassador for our school;
- you have received a total of 20 school awards; and
- you have earned your Bronze Principal's Award.
Now that you are on this Level:
- you will receive your Bronze Principal's Award, and
- your name will be published in the school newsletter.
Level 5
You are on this Level because:
- you are placed on this Level at the beginning of your enrolment;
- you cooperate with others;
- you are helpful and try to work well with teachers and other students; and
- you respect the rights of other students
Now that you are on this Level:
- you will be able to learn well;
- you will be able to receive school awards; and
- you will be able to participate in all school activities.
Level 6
You are on this Level because:
- your class teacher is concerned about a change in your behaviour.
Now that you are on this Level:
- your behaviour will be closely monitored by your class teacher;
- you will need to discuss your behaviour with your class teacher; and
- you will still be able to participate in school activities.
******** WARNING LEVEL ********
Class Teacher
Level 7
You are on this Level because:
- your class teacher and other teachers are concerned about a change in your behaviour;
- you are not cooperating with others;
- you are not finishing your work at school nor at home;
- you are disturbing the learning of other students in class; and
- you are not being polite and courtesy to other students, staff and parents.
Now that you are on this Level:
- you will need to discuss this with your class teacher and Stage Supervisor;
- you will be given a chance to do something about your problems yourself;
- your parents will be informed of this placement and you will need to talk about your problems with them;
- you will report to the Stage Leader;
- you will attend recess detention each day until your next meeting with the Stage Discipline Committee; and
- you will still be able to participate in school activities.
******** WARNING LEVEL ********
Class Teacher and Stage Supervisor
Level 8
You are on this Level because:
- teachers have not noticed any effort to improve your behaviour while at Level 7;
- you are continuing to cause problems in your class and/or around the school; and
- you have disregarded the Code of Conduct.
Now that you are on this Level:
- your parents will be contacted about your placement on this Level and an interview with Deputy Principal will be necessary;
- you will not be allowed to attend any excursions or social activities such as Discos, nor will you be allowed to represent the school in any sporting or cultural group;
- you will report to the Deputy Principal each recess and lunch time for a week;
- you will be placed on a daily monitoring sheet for 2 weeks to 4 weeks;
- you may be placed on In-School Suspension if your behaviour is consistently disrupting your class; and
- when your behaviour improves you will be returned to Level 6.
******** WARNING LEVEL ********
Deputy Principal and Detention
Level 9
You are on this Level because:
- you have continued to ignore the rights of others in this school;
- you have not shown interest in your own learning;
- you have shown that you need help from your parents and school staff to protect you from the consequences of your own behaviour;
- you have completely ignored the people who have tried to help you; and
- you have shown that you do not want to follow the School's Code of Conduct.
Now that you are on this Level:
- your parents will be contacted about your placement on this Level and another interview with the Deputy Principal is necessary;
- you will not be allowed to attend any excursions or social activities such as Discos, nor will you be allowed to represent the school in any sporting or cultural group;
- you will attend detention for recess and the first half of lunch each day at the discretion of the Deputy Principal;
- you will be placed on a daily monitoring sheet for one week;
- you will be referred to school support agencies eg. Learning Support Team, Itinerate Teacher Behaviour (ITB), Flexible Behaviour Support;
- you will be placed on In-School Suspension for up to 4 days to complete class work or participate in special programs to help you; and
- when your behaviour improves you will be returned to Level 6.
******** WARNING LEVEL ********
Deputy Principal and In-School Suspension
Level 10
You are on this Level because:
- you have clearly shown that, despite repeated chances, you do not wish to follow the Code of Conduct for students at this school.
- you have committed an act of violence as defined in this policy.
Now that you are on this Level:
- you will be placed on a period of suspension;
- your parents will be contacted about your suspension;
- you will be provided with class work for you to complete before you will be permitted to return to school;
- you will be returned to school, upon completion of your set work, following an interview between parents, and the Deputy Principal/Principal; and
- upon your return to school, you will be placed on Return From Suspension Level.
********** Short or Long Suspension *********
Return from Suspension
You are on this Level because:
- you have just been returned from a period of suspension.
Now that you are on this Level:
- you will be expected to meet all conditions in the Return From Suspension Agreement which will be signed by you, your parents, Deputy Principal and Principal;
- you will be placed on a daily monitoring sheet and reviewed by the Discipline Committee;
- you will now be given the chance to prove that you are ready to follow our Code of conduct;
- when your behaviour improves you will be placed on level 6; and
- you may be placed immediately on Level 9 or 10 if you show continued unsatisfactory behaviour or if you break the terms of your agreement.
Gold Awards are presented as follows:
- 1st Gold - Gold Ribbon 3 cards
- 2nd Gold - Gold Certificate 6 cards
- 3rd Gold - First Medallion 9 cards
Children are able to progress through this 9 card cycle for the second time to achieve a second medallion.