Winter Trials Success For Forster Public School Athletes
A number of Forster Public School Athletes have been successful at the Manning District Winter Trials. Their selection into Manning Zone Teams ,in their respective sports ,means that they will now compete for a position in the Hunter Regional Teams at the forthcoming Hunter selection Trials. If successful at this level they will go on to represent Hunter at the State Carnivals in their particular Sport.
Maddi, Kiah and Georgia were selected for the Manning in Girl's Soccer. Billy and Jhana were selected for the Manning in Boy's Soccer. Claire, Tayla and Alana were selected for the Manning in Netball. Finally Sam was successful in gaining a place in the Manning Rugby League Team. We wish our talented athletes all the best.
Back. L to R- Maddi, Alana, Tayla and Claire
Front. L to R- Billy, Jhana, Sam, Georgia, Kiah.
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