Problem Solving Strategies in Mathematics at Forster Public School
21 Jul 2014
Forster Public School students are learning Problem Solving Strategies for Mathematics. Levi Flower, who is part of the Maths Enrichment Group enthused, 'I love Mathematics and it is just great great to solve problems and to learn how to attack a problem if you are unsure of the answer.'
Students are encouraged to look for the important words in a question and to write them down. They are also taught to look for a pattern, have a go, use a table or chart or to use a drawing. Other strategies include working backwards, trying an easier problem, making a model or thinking logically.
Photo 1; Thomas Kennedy and Tom Williams using cards to make the biggest number possible.
Photo 2; Bethany Mooney and Ava Rose Davies using Base 10 material to solve problems.
Photo 3; Miah Coleman and Basra Avery enjoying dice problems.
Photo 4; Caleb Johnson and Liam Mauger enjoying the challenge of spacial awareness activities.
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