21 Nov 2014

Over 730 students from Forster Public School came together on Remembrance Day to remember those who gave their lives while serving Australia in wars, conflicts and peace operations.
In 1918 the armistice that ended World War 1 came into force, bringing to an end four years of hostilities that saw 61,919 Australians die at sea, in the air and on foreign soil. Few Australian Families were left untouched by the events of World War 1- 'the war to end all wars' most had lost a father, son, daughter, brother, sister or friend.
In a hall filled with respectful students, wearing red poppies, Mr Frank Brady (President of the RSL) and Padre Daryl Moran addressed their audience on the importance of trying your hardest in everything you do and how the humble 'Poppy has become the symbol of remembrance. Forster Public School is very appreciative to the local community members who helped with the service.
Photograph; L to R; Mr Graham Kelly, Mr Norm Graetsch, Mr Frank Brady, Bronsun Walters, Eden Flower (School Captains) Nerida Ingram (Remembrance Day Service organiser) Padre Daryl Moran and Mr Roly Kinnear.