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Forster Public School

Learning Today for Tomorrow

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THE EARLY WEEKS OF STARTING SCHOOL - What you can do to help!

About 75,000 youngsters commenced school in NSW last week and each of these children is likely to need a lot of support as school starts. There are some simple things parents and carers can do to help. There include dropping off a student before the bell goes in the morning and being on time for a pick up at a pre-arranged point. Forster Public School has a safety rule which requires students to go to the School Office if a parent or carer is not at the pick-up point within 10 minutes of the dismissal time.

After-school time should be made special with a snack while a parent and child chat – be patient if your child wants to blurt out every little detail or if there is no response to an enquiry. A parent could try saying something such as "Tell me one good thing about your day at school."

Parents should try to be flexible with after-school food as a child will probably be very hungry - a small healthy snack will keep a child going until evening meal time.

Don't expect too much academic progress too soon – if your child feels safe and happy at school, achievements will come later.

Parents should also remember that it is normal for students to play with a range of different children, and to even play alone. It takes a while before youngsters settle into a group of friends. If, however, a child does not seem settled within a few weeks, or reports teasing or bullying, a parent should speak to the class teacher while being aware that a disagreement with a classmate does not necessarily indicate bullying.

Tiredness is common during the early weeks, so limiting strenuous after-school activities, such as swimming lessons, and adhering to a bedtime schedule, will assist in the settling in process.

When a child seems to be coping with in-school activities and after-school tiredness, then is the time to set up a playdate with one of the new classmates.

Being positive and excited for your child can make a difference to how your child views this big step in their lives. Enjoy this next part of their expanding journey.