Stage 2 students have the opportunity to plant, nurture, grow and harvest produce in the school's garden. Placed in groups such as, Wriggly Worms, Awesome Apples, Magnificent Mangoes, Super Strawberries and Flying Ladybirds, students are set different tasks to complete for each of their sessions in the garden.
Photo 1;Completing the planting task is Ruby West, Harrison Brennan, Chloe Schubert, Kate Warren with Mum, Jo-ann Warren.
Photo 2; Spreading woodchips are Tristan Bennett, Basra Avery, Tom Williams, Jasmine Smythe- Ford and Laci Robertson.
Photo 3; Harvesting herbs and vegetables are Ashleigh McNamara, Lucy Boyce, Tom Kennedy, Jade Stevens with Community Volunteer, Yvonne Garton and Trent Blomgren.
Photo 4; Pruning in the garden are Levi Flower, Josh Clark, Bethany Mooney and Harry Chambers.