Forster Public School Parents and Citizens Association – Working together
What is a P&C?
The Forster Public School Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) is a not for profit organisation, made up of Parents, Carers and Community Members with an interest in the school. The P&C works in collaboration with the school to help fundraise and support initiatives to create a happy and healthy learning environment.
P&C are recognised by an Act of Parliament as the representative voice for parents with children in public schools. They are supported by the The Federation of Parents & Citizens of New South Wales and nationally by the Australian Council of State School Organisations.
To learn more about how our P&C operates, please read our Constitution and By-Laws.
Our Executive
The elected Executive for 2024 include:
President: Mr Philip Ferguson
Vice President:
Vice President:
Secretary: Mrs Emma Dodds
Treasurer: Mrs Haley Emerson
Other positions held within the committee include:
Fundraising Co-Ordinator:
Uniform Shop Coordinator: Mrs Genna Dorahy
Public Officer: Vacant
What do we do?
With a very active school community, the Forster Public School P&C coordinates a number of events and activities across the year to provide a range of benefits to our children. These include:
· Involvement in school events, such as NAIDOC Week, Education Week and End of Year celebrations
· Coordination of in-school fundraising activities such as Mother’s and Father’s Day Stalls and Colour Run
· Provision of a Uniform Shop. For details on how to order download our Order Form.
· Provision of sponsorship to students who represent our school at state and national events. To find out more about this, please read our Policy.
· Community wide social fundraising events, such as this our inaugural Spring Ball to take place in September this year.
· Ongoing communication and advocacy within the school and broader community to promote our school and student wellbeing.
Monies raised goes towards additional facilities and equipment within the school.
Need to order a uniform?
The P&C are the sole provider of the Forster Public School uniform. Orders can be made online at
or via the Order Form, which can be returned to the school office. We will make every effort to deliver the order to your child as soon as possible.
Download our P & C Uniform Shop Order form here.
Currently the Uniform Shop opens on Tuesday Mornings rom 8.30am - 9.15am.
How can you get involved?
New members are always welcome. Committee meetings are held on Week 3 and Week 8 of each school term, at 5:30pm in the school staff room.
Our Annual General Meeting is held Week 8 of Term 1 following the Ordinary meeting.
Alternatively, if meetings aren’t something you are interested in going to, people can also register to volunteer at P&C events and activities.
To find out more and get involved, come along to a meeting or email us.