13 Sep 2017

EAfS- Early Action for Success is the NSW Department of Education's strategy to improve students' literacy and numeracy skills in the early years of schooling.
EAfS aims to improve students' literacy skills through a targeted approach in the early years.
The strategy began its rollout in May 2012 when identified schools received a grant for professional learning for their staff, resources to support students and the first five instructional leaders were appointed in 2012.
By 2015, the strategy had expanded to 310 schools supported by 224 instructional leaders.
The instructional leaders play a key role in building staff skills and knowledge in teaching and assessing literacy and numeracy. They also assist teachers to customise interventions for individual students. The NSW Literacy and Numeracy Strategy (2017-2020) commits an additional $340 million over the next 4 years to maintain and extend the focus on instructional leadership. Early Action for Success (EAfS) Phase 2 will be the Department's implementation of the 2017-2020 Strategy.
Keryn Stone has been appointed as an additional Instructional Leader at Forster Public School as part of the Early Action for Success Phase 2. Keryn is committed to building on the achievements of the first phase of the strategy at Forster Public School. This strategy was to improve students' performances through a targeted approach in the early years.
Keryn leads an enthusiastic and dedicated team who concentrate on personalised learning and targeted interventions to deliver high quality Professional Learning for the students at Forster Public School.