08 Sep 2016

Amazing Visit to Billabong Koala and Wildlife Park
By Miss Riley and 2/29 From Forster Public School
As we woke up to a beautiful sunny day, Year 2 at Forster Public School were so excited to be finally going to Billabong Zoo and Koala Wildlife Park. We met our zoo keeper guides Blake, Kristy and Stuart. They entertained us all day and taught us heaps of information about the animals at the zoo. We got to meet and pat, Ernie the Dingo and Harley the Koala. We were very excited to see the new enclosure and meet the leopards but we were there one week too early for the lions. Throughout the day we were able to feed bouncy kangaroos, cute wallabies and some of these even had little pink joeys in their pouches. At the end of the day, we saw the amazing Shrek Show and Shrek was very active in jumping up to eat his raw chicken. It was such a fun day had by all and we would definitely like to return to Billabong Zoo. We have enjoyed writing about our experiences at the zoo and have enjoyed creating paper woven crocodiles and paper plate turtles. 2/29 would like to find out some more information about being a zoo keeper so we have come up with some questions to email to our guides.
Photograph 1; Grace, Miss Riley, Savanah, Ryley, Tahli, Ciel and Aleira.
Photograph 2; Miss Winter, Alec, Miss Riley, Cie, Haley, Aleira, Marlie, Tahli, Kiyani, Lexie, Alicia, Trent, Ngarangi, Ryley, Maxim, Savanah, Jarrah, Grace and Keanu.
Photograph3; Jade, Miss Meadows, Haley, Emma, Joshua, Tennille, Daniel, James and Koby.