Forster Public School

Learning Today for Tomorrow

Telephone02 6555 6766

Kinder children starting in 2025



Best Start will take place during Week 4 of Term 1.

Day one for our Kindergarten students is Thursday 6 February. We stagger the student’s starting time throughout the morning to allow for a smooth transition into the classroom. 

We are really excited to be meeting all of our Kindergarten students and joining our new families on their educational journey with our school.

Welcome to Forster Public School!



Click here for QuickCliQ online Canteen ordering

(Please note that the canteen is not open at recess - recess preorders only)



Click here for Online Uniform Shop orders

Click here for Manual Uniform Shop order form



Students in Kindergarten are not expected to bring pencil cases or any stationary with them. This is supplied by the school.

We ask that they have a bag that is big enough for them to independently pack and unpack their lunchbox, home reader folder and jumper. It is also advised that a spare change of clothes (labelled with name) is placed in their bag.