Support Programs
Support for students with additional needs is a high priority at Forster Public School and a variety of programs are available.
Support Unit
There are five classes in the Supported Learning Area catering for students with disability. Each student has a Personalised Learning Plan prepared in consultation with their Learning Support Team.
Students from the Supported Learning Area participate in whole school programs such as assemblies, sport, camps and the merit and discipline system. Many students also integrate into regular classes for specific activities. The resulting social interaction has encouraged the positive attitude and support which staff and students demonstrate towards students with disabilities.
Funding Support
Support for students with disabilities in regular classes is also provided. The school applies for funding which is used to employ School Learning Support Officers to assist classroom teachers in the implementation of Personalised Learning Plans for these students. Adjustments are made to ensure students with disabilities have access to the curriculum on the same basis as other students.
Learning Support Team
Students with learning difficulties are able to access the Learning and Support program (LaST) and consolidate their skills, particularly in English. Volunteer tutor programs have provided further support to students experiencing difficulty in reading. Transitions to and from primary school are carefully planned for students who may need extra support and Learning Support Team meetings are held in close consultation with the families.
Counselling Service
The School Counselling Service is a school-based psychology service. Counsellors assess student needs and determine eligibility for accessing support services. Counsellors are involved in Preschool to Kindergarten and Year 6-7 transition. Counsellors respond to referrals from parents and the Learning Support Team in providing support for students with learning, behavioural and emotional adjustment needs.