20 Nov 2014

The laptops have arrived!
Stage 3 now have laptops at their disposal. All our classes across Stage three will be accessing the laptops and they will be embedded into teaching and learning programs. We have only had them for a couple of weeks now and already they are in full usage. Classes across Grades 5 and 6 are using them for internet research, web-quests, publishing, cartoon creation, blogging and accessing a variety of visual and digital media.
The iPads have arrived!
Stage 1 and Stage 2 now have I-Pads for use in classrooms. Students are researching topics, publishing their work, accessing reading activities and mathematical games to reinforce skills. The possibilities are endless, however staff are amazed at the increasing levels of student engagement and motivation that access to this technology is facilitating in their classrooms.
Photograph 1; Lara playing Jungle Coins
Photograph 2; Ruby, Chloe and Phoenix accessing and using the internet site 'Bitstrips For Schools' to create a cartoon comic strip.
Photograph 3; Liam, Trent and Josh doing some research on Silkworms.
Photograph 4; Thomas, Harry and Jasmine getting set to research volunteers who help in our community.