Forster Public School held its Annual 'Qualifiers' Swimming Carnival recently. There was fierce rivalry between the four sporting houses of Albatross, Gannet, Penguin and Shearwater with newly elected House Captains taking their role of Sporting Captains very seriously.
The facilities at our local YMCA Aquatic Centre are a credit to our small community and appreciated by schools who hold their swimming carnivals at this venue.
Children who are successful at this school carnival level, will proceed to the Zone Swimming Carnival, to be held at the Taree Aquatic centre at the end of February.
Photograph 1; Mia-Lilly with proud Mum, Kerry Ann and friend Sophia.
Photograph 2; Mum, Jo with daughter Tahli who is getting ready to race
Photograph 3; Lyrikah with friend Nakiyah, cheering on their team.
Photograph 4; Byron, checking his times at the Official's Table which is manned by Teachers Leah Pasierbek and Alison Bertwistle
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